Sustainability Policy

At Clever Salmon we are dedicated to meeting the needs of our clients without putting undue pressure on future generations, and as a small business we understand that everyone must do their part. Our commitment to sustainability is ever important as we assess our impact, and what we can do to reduce it. Our aim is to measure, monitor and reduce our impact on the environment from our work in order to become Net-Zero.

Kirstie Jones is Certified Carbon Literate, and dedicated to embodying this policy in her work.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

It’s no coincidence that our brand is based around the clever little salmon which relies on fresh water and the sea to survive – it requires balance. As a small marketing consultancy, we can be nimble in the way we use resources, and to date have adopted the habit of minimising our impact on the environment through:

  1. Travelling on foot, bike or public transport to meetings wherever possible
  2. Conscious reduction in technological and material consumption
  3. Paper-less business practice – all our work is electronic
  4. Encouraging sustainable practice for our clients wherever suitable

We are now moving to a more proactive approach, to measure, audit and improve sustainable working practice wherever possible. One of the first steps towards this is understanding the status of our planet, our impact on it and what we can do to reduce our own emissions.

We will assess the environmental impacts of our work and set actions where possible to reduce our emissions. We will then review these actions and outcomes regularly to ensure a continued focus on our sustainability and reduced impact on our environment.

As a small business we are working to understand our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions so that we can continue to measure, reduce and eventually negate our environmental impact.

We will: 

  • Keep sustainability at the heart of everything we do
  • Continue to educate ourselves in sustainable business practices
  • Make environmentally conscious decisions
  • Ensure we are using sustainable suppliers, wherever possible
  • Reduce our use of energy and other resources
  • Reuse and Recycle devices, paper and other business waste wherever possible and without compromising data security
  • Comply with relevant legislation/regulation wherever necessary
  • Ensure all new areas of business comply with this policy
  • Be transparent wherever possible to promote sustainable habits

Measuring Impact

At Clever Salmon we have set out the following key actions to measure our impact:

  1. Measure our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions to determine impact
  2. Audit ‘Software as a Service’ suppliers
    • Establish all service providers’ commitment to sustainability and determine whether they are the most suitable.
    • Identify alternative more sustainable suppliers where possible
  3. Assess energy use, identify ways of reducing reliance, and employ energy saving tactics where possible
  4. Research carbon offsetting options in depth and assess suitability

We will aim to complete the above actions by the end of 2023, and update this policy accordingly. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

This policy was created 17th November 2022.

Last updated 24th July 2023 – Carbon Literacy status updated